No one will ever hate you with the intensity that you can hate yourself, and that’s why you absolutely must take the time to build your self-worth.
And I really wish that building your self-worth was simply as easy as repeating to yourself that you love yourself, but it’s not. The reality is if you want to love yourself you have to do something that is worthy of that love.
You have to do something that you believe in. You have to find a way to build credibility with yourself, to tell yourself you’re going to do something and know that you’re actually going to see it through.
The reality is we’re all watching ourselves all the time. We know how we behave.
And so you really have to think about that. I want it to be enough.
I want it to be enough that you exist and that you’re going to be okay simply because you are.
But the reality is we don’t look at life like that and we do judge ourselves and we do think about whether or not we’re following through on the things that we said we were going to do.
And it’s okay to start small.
It’s okay not to have a grand dream.
It’s okay not to be able to do that yet. It is very okay not to be extraordinary.
You don’t need that to love yourself.
But what you do need is purpose.
What you do need is to take that time to define what it is that you’re trying to do with your life. Why do you matter? What is it that you’re going to be able to bring to yourself and to the world and it doesn’t have to be big?
It just has to be real. It has to be something that’s true to you.
It has to be something that you’re willing to commit to. And once you’re willing to commit to it, to put in the energy every day to get up and pursue that thing, and again this is not me, I’m not judging you, I can really tell you, I love you and it’s enough that you just exist. But I know that in your head, in all of our heads, is a voice that says that just isn’t true. And so to connect with ourselves and to find that meaning and to develop it, to create meaning in our lives, we have to set an intention and we have to pursue that intention.
Start small, know what you want, get out of bed, get after it, set rules for yourself, follow those rules. Once you start doing those simple things, and again they don’t have to be big, but once you start setting a rule, having an intention, following your rules, building towards that intention, suddenly you’re going to earn that credibility with yourself.
And then all of the sudden no matter what anybody says to you, and they are going to say negative things, haters are going to come after you, that is just a reality of life, but you will be impervious to that if you have built within you belief, belief that you are worthy because you take small steps every day to do something that means something to you.
It doesn’t matter what other people think but it matters a lot what you think about yourself, so every day earn that worth.
Now live Each Day as a Gift